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Why You Shouldn't Seek Validation from People How You Live Your Life

“Most fears of rejection rests on the desire for approval from other people. Don't base your self-esteem on their opinion.”-Harvey Mackay

Can you believe that even the most confident looking and successful people require approval from others? These people are smart and successful capable of decision-making, in a position of authority. Still, when it comes to making life-changing decisions they seek opinions from others. ‘Whatever I am trying to do is it all right’? ‘Should I proceed or simply abandon the endeavor completely’?

The struggles, the wavering, and the self-doubts germinate within you. When you simply cannot come to any conclusions, you seek other’s opinion. This includes your friends, family, and even acquaintances.

Why should you do this when the answer lies inside your mind and soul?

Here below are some compelling reasons why you should stop seeking validation from others about how to live your own life, right now.

It is impossible to appease everybody every time

Of all the people you turn to for approval, there will always going to be someone that deters you from your wishes. They are there to criticize and want to see you fall. It is important to take disapprovals in your stride as well. They make you more confident once you achieve the goals. Strive for self-appeasement for a change for true happiness.

You do not need others to make you happy

Why should you let your happiness depend upon the approval and disapproval of others? It is your life to lead. If you abandon something just because someone doesn’t approve, you will live with a lifetime of regrets. You will constantly speculate on how things would have been if you only went with your heart. Would you be happy then? Happiness stems from within, the approval of others does not matter much ultimately.


You have no control over what people think

It is impossible to control the mind. No amount of tyranny can completely restrict our thought processes. Thus, it will be impossible for you to change the opinion of others; so why should you even try. Instead, go with what your heart wants and the mind believes. Once you achieve success, people’s opinions will change towards you automatically.

You will be wasting your time seeking approval

The time you invest to change the perceptions of others and make them give their approval is better spent in pursuance of what you love. It will take you closer to your goals and make life more enjoyable instead of turning it into a far-flung wish.

Instead of seeking approval from others, delve into your own mind. What is stopping you from breaking free and living life the way you want? It is probably your fear of failure. Maybe you are seeking validation for your fears from others so that you don’t have the get out of your comfort zone and try something new and exciting. Once you pinpoint the real reason behind looking to others for decision-making, the compulsion will go away for good.

Spend time daily wth the focus solemnly on YOU. Remember seeking validation from others will only harm your self worth.

Until we speak again have a great week on purpose!

Life Coach, Theresa

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