Success Doesn’t Sleep The Movement

Almost every successful person begins with 2 beliefs; the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.
As I wrap up another successful ETA Entrepreneur Training Academy tonight, a 3 week web based intense webinar for aspiring entrepreneurs to define their purpose, overcome fear, and build a meaningful brand. When you start a business you will probably face many challenges, the goal is learning how to overcome obstacles and roadblocks not only in your business, but in your personal life as well. I tell my clients all the time you need to be successful in your personal life to obtain success in your professional lives. They work hand and hand. If you are dealing with issues personally and you are stuck in your life, work through those issues first before starting a business. If you are still holding grudges; pains; and stuck in a place of negativity or simply not growing in your life your time is NOW. Don’t waste anymore of your day wondering what could be or why it happened to you? Let it go! Firstly you have to believe in your self and be ready to accept the life the higher power has for you. No more excuses, no more wondering why and how someone else has a better life.
You are your own worst road block, get out of your own way. On my ETA I discuss how you hold yourself back from success, more importantly how to overcome your fear. Take a risk on you. There were a lot of participants in the training who talked about how will they pay their bills and what if they fail? The thing with the what if you will never know because dreams don’t work unless you do. There are 6 modules within the online webinar. The last day of the webinar we have 3 business investors join the call to discuss investment opportunities for small businesses, a great way to gain business capital. Why isn’t your business growing? if you don’t wake up in the morning and what you’re doing doesn’t excite you, it’s time for a change. Join our next ETA in February to work with other aspiring business owners who are ready to elevate their lives and businesses to the next level.
If your business is stuck, your net-worth isn’t growing, your likes and fans are not turning into paying customers, you’re marketing but not getting paid, your branding stops after social media, Sign up TODAY for the Entrepreneur Training Academy learn to Monetize your message; How to fund your business when the traditional banks say no; How to structure your business; When to hire help; how to grow your net worth; how to reach your target audience; how to make social media marketing work for you; the essentials of a non profit; determine your gift; live your purpose; how to grow a audience by blogging; how to automate your business and double your income in 90 days.
Join me and get out of your comfort zone, execute a task daily that takes you outside of your comfort zone and start to build confidence in knowing the person you would like to become.
Click Here to secure your spot in The Entrepreneur Training Academy
Until we speak again,
Your one on one coach, Theresa